The application as a "serial transnational world heritage" is a groundbreaking process that will occupy those involved for several years. The starting signal for the joint path was given in 2017 on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the Müngstener Brücke, initiated by the three mayors in the Bergisches Städtedreieck. Since the initial spark, the international network has been expanded, four central congresses and several working meetings have taken place, experts are exchanging ideas, agreements are being reached.
At the operational level, the main task is to develop a viable financial and organizational structure. With this in mind, the partners decided at the 2019 Bridge Congress in France to establish a construct of associations in the countries and an overarching foundation as a steering instrument and umbrella organization.
Development associations in the participating countries form the basis. Their initial task is to win friends and supporters in their own countries and to drive the respective national process forward, raise funds, organize and carry out events, for example, and develop and support projects to promote the purpose of the association. Even though the efforts for the structure on site are at the center of their activities, the focus always remains on the joint application of the six large arch bridges as a serial, transnational UNESCO World Heritage.
The German development association was founded in spring 2021, France followed at the end of 2021. In Italy, the establishment of a steering group is in preparation and and in Portugal, too, the necessary steps are now being taken.
Once all the structures are in place, a foundation is to be set up as an umbrella organization and steering unit to finance the overall project, support and accompany the European World Heritage process. It is to be supported equally by all European bridge partners. It is planned that each association will send delegates to the foundation, and decisions will be made by the steering committee. The foundation is to have its headquarters in Solingen. The international process is already controlled from here.